I Won't Be Watching the Super Bowl
...this Sunday.
Not because I don't like sports. Nothing of the sort. In fact, I enjoy sports. I'll even go so far as to say that I love sports.
I developed a love for sports when I was young lass in my native Jamaica. That's in the West Indies, in case you were wondering. I used to play jump rope, hop scotch, baseball, what you Americans call punch ball, I believe.
So what's up with your football? I'm sure you're fed up with non Americans making snide comments about the fact that you Americans call a game where you don't hardly kick the ball, football and a game that you DO kick the ball A LOT, soccer. What's up with that?? Anyway that's all I'm going to say about that right now. I love both sports, whatever you choose to call them so you'll get no argument from me.
But that's not why I'm not watching the Super Bowl on Sunday. I'm not going to be watching the Super Bowl on Sunday because none of the teams that I would normally root for is playing. The way it stands now, I wouldn't know who to root for.
I have to have some stake in the game in order for it to hold my interest. So the next time the New York Giants or the New York Jets...what's up with them still being called the New York Giants and the New York Jets when neither team has played in New York in about 2 decades? Don't get me started on that!!!
As I was saying, the next time one of my teams, and please add the Dallas Cowboys from my adopted state to that list, you won't be able to pry me away from in front of the TV.
Well let me qualify that. If some kind sir gallantly offers me 2 tickets on the 50 yard line and an all expenses paid trip to wherever the game is being played I'll gladly give up my spot in front of the TV! I'll even hand you the remote.
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